Edison Gauss Publishing ئاپەکان

EG Classroom Arithmetic™ 2.2.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Write on the touchscreen, solve problems and show your work.
EG Classroom Decimals™ 2.2.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Classroom Decimals™ is the successor app to Classroom Arithmetic™.Students practice addition, subtraction, multiplication anddivision of decimal numbers. As students gain proficiency, thedifficulty level is automatically adjusted to keep them challengedand engaged. Students can also choose a difficulty level for extrapractice. Beyond practicing arithmetic operators, ClassroomDecimals™ also includes activities for inequalities, percents andplace value conceptual understanding.
EG Classroom Arithmetic™ Demo 2.2.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Write on the touchscreen to solve problems and show your work.
EG Classroom Teacher™ 1.1.2
Classroom Teacher™ is the multi-user, multi-app reviewer for the EGClassroom™ suite. For Parents, Classroom Teacher allows you to viewthe work of one or more children on your family's tablet withouthaving to switch users or apps. If you are a multi-tablet family,the automatic synchronization allows you to review the work yourchildren have done on their tablet from the convenience of your owndevice. Further, synchronization between devices is performedautomatically on your local network. Your data is not sent over theinternet and you won't incur bandwidth or data fees. For Teachers ,Classroom Teacher allows you to review your entire class from asingle application. Student practices are automatically synced fromtheir device to yours. A local copy of the work is made resident onyour device and allows you to review practice results even if youor the student is offline. Additionally, Classroom Teacher hasdirect messaging to communicate with students, and built-in emailsupport so you can send a copy of a student's work, plus anycomments that you may wish to add, to the parents.
Bicycle Tire Pressure Calc 1.4.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Find the best tire pressure for your bike. It may not be what youthink.
Bicycle Tire Pressure Demo 1.4.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Find the best tire pressure for your bike. It may not be what youthink.
EG Classroom Fractions™ 1.2.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Write on the touchscreen to solve problems and show your work.
EG Classroom Fractions™ Demo 1.2.2
Edison Gauss Publishing
Write on the touchscreen to solve problems and show your work.